Moving businesses forward 

SC Commerce can help you connect with funding, local resources, buyers, even data and analytics to guide your business decisions.

Reach Peak efficiency

Looking to increase production & profitability?

Want to reach peak efficiency? Let us connect you with an area expert who can identify barriers or issues that may be stifling growth. These one-to-one consultations provide an assessment of your operation, moving your business potential to the next level.

Start exporting

Looking to Export?

Whether it’s identifying potential markets for your export goods or understanding port regulations, SC has a wealth of international trade expertise. Your company can gain insight and practical knowledge from the proven success of trade specialists.

SizeUp SC Tool

Need Business Intelligence on SC Markets and Your Competition?

Business intelligence can be a huge differentiator. SizeUpSC is an easy-to-use platform that allows you to receive data to help your company make better decisions around competitive benchmarking, customers, suppliers, even marketing and advertising.

build your workforce

Need Help Recruiting and Retaining Employees?

What do SC companies say is their number one challenge? Employee recruitment and retention. The SC workforce system can assist with finding qualified employees, employee retention, as well as training programs through technical and community colleges or apprenticeships.

build a business plan

Need Help Getting Started?

Starting any business takes a significant amount of planning and research. Exploring your business goals is extremely important. Take a look at our checklist and resources to see how we can assist you in building a concise, yet comprehensive business plan.

Secure financial resources

Are You Ready for Funding?

After outlining your business plan, the financial requirements of your business should become clear. The next step is securing financial resources. We can help you identify the funding available.

Stand out from the competition

Looking to Market Your Business?

In today’s competitive marketplace, success is dependent upon clear and consistent marketing plans that make a company’s products or services stand out from the competition. Here are a few of the public sector marketing resources available throughout the state.

Get local business licenses

Need Licenses, Permits or Registrations?

Federal, state and local laws establish guidelines such as occupational matters, business licensing, environmental permitting and tax withholdings. Our state does not have a statewide business license requirement, so you must apply for local business licenses.

scout motors

Scout Motors

Become a supplier for Scout Motors' new production facility near Columbia, S.C. 



Become a supplier for AESC in Florence, S.C. 

Redwood Materials

Redwood Materials

Become a supplier for Redwood Materials

Note: This content will not be available after April 30, 2024.

COVID-19 Business Resources

The South Carolina Department of Commerce is actively engaged in supporting the business community for impacts of the COVID-19. Find pertinent resources, business assistance and timely information for your company at the SC Commerce Business Resource Center. 

Get Connected for Business Growth

List your business in the SourceSC Industry Directory.

By listing in the SourceSC Industry Directory, you receive:

  • Directory Listing
  • Industry sourcing requests
  • Invitations to exclusive B2B & supplier outreach events
  • Access to the Commerce newsletter

Upcoming Events

The 5 Best Pricing Methods - How to Choose a Pricing Strategy for Your Business

October 29 | 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Setting the price of a product or service can be challenging for new entrepreneurs, but there are structured processes for determining the best price for your business.

In this webinar, we’ll cover five methods of product pricing and how to implement them. We’ll also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method and demonstrate what types of businesses are best suited for each method.

Learning objectives:

  • Value Added Pricing
  • Cost Plus Pricing
  • Modified Cost Plus Pricing
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Value-Based Pricing

We will also discuss combining some of these methods to determine a specific price and sales volume, while also generating a specified profit amount as part of the process.

Event Details

How to Craft a Compelling Sales Message for Your Business

October 22 | 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

What You Will Learn:

  • How to identify and target your ideal customer with precision
  • How to craft a compelling sales message
  • How to establish a repeatable process to keep your pipeline flowing

Live attendees will receive the slide deck and a link to this webinar recording.

Event Details

2024 SC Sustainability B2B Supplier Matchmaker

October 23 | 1:00 pm–4:00 pm

The South Carolina Department of Commerce and Sustain SC will host a Sustainability B2B Supplier Matchmaker event, 1-4 p.m. on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at the Central Energy building in Columbia, S.C.

The Sustainability B2B Supplier Matchmaker will be a series of 10-minute, one-on-one meetings between manufacturers and suppliers.

Registration does not guarantee a meeting with an OEM. All registrants will be vetted and suppliers will be matched with an OEM or Tier 1 company that has indicated its interest in the supplier’s particular service/product.

Event Details

2024 South Carolina Manufacturing Conference and Expo

November 7 – 8 | 8:00 am–1:00 pm

Join manufacturing professionals from across the Southeast to discuss the latest manufacturing trends and topics, share their vision, become inspired and immerse yourself in manufacturing culture.

Event Details