SourceSC Industry Directory

Our Industry Directory is a comprehensive listing of industry suppliers and vendors within the state. We have aggregated all the contact information in one easy-to-use resource.

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American PPE, LLC

Address: 223 Pine Road

City: Easley

State: SC

Zip: 29642

County: Anderson

Country: USA


Phone: (864) 416-1649

NAICS: 339113 - Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing

Parent Company Country of Origin: USA

Industries: Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical, & Biotech

Approximate Employment: 1-10

Type of Operation: Manufacturing

Business Classification: Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB)

Is SourceSC Company: Yes

Product Description: American PPE is a Woman-owned OEM company based in Easley, SC that specializes in the manufacturing of N95 Respirators with 100% domestic material resourcing.

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Data is based on company's response to SC Industry Survey, news sources or other research. Submit changes to this record.