SourceSC Industry Directory

Our Industry Directory is a comprehensive listing of industry suppliers and vendors within the state. We have aggregated all the contact information in one easy-to-use resource.

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Alcami Corporation (SC)

Address: 4221 Faber Place Drive

City: North Charleston

State: SC

Zip: 29405

County: Charleston

Country: USA


Phone: (843) 796-2500

NAICS: 325412 - Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing

Parent Company Country of Origin: USA

Industries: Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical, & Biotech

Approximate Employment: 101-250

Type of Operation: Manufacturing

Business Classification: No Classification Listed

Is SourceSC Company: No

Product Description: Alcami is a contract development and manufacturing organization headquartered in North Carolina with over 40 years of experience advancing products through every stage of the development lifecycle. Alcami serves pharmaceutical and biotech companies of all sizes for small molecules and biologics, providing customizable and innovative solutions for analytical development, clinical to commercial sterile and oral solid dose drug product manufacturing, packaging, microbiology, GMP pharma storage, environmental monitoring, and pharmaceutical support services.

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Data is based on company's response to SC Industry Survey, news sources or other research. Submit changes to this record.