SourceSC Industry Directory

Our Industry Directory is a comprehensive listing of industry suppliers and vendors within the state. We have aggregated all the contact information in one easy-to-use resource.

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Bausch & Lomb, Inc.

Address: 8507 Pelham Road

City: Greenville

State: SC

Zip: 29615

County: Greenville

Country: USA


Phone: (864) 281-2577

NAICS: 339115 - Ophthalmic Goods Manufacturing

Parent Company Country of Origin: Canada

Industries: Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical, & Biotech

Approximate Employment: 251-500

Type of Operation: Manufacturing

Business Classification: No Classification Listed

Is SourceSC Company: No

Product Description: Bausch & Lomb, Inc. is a leading global eye health organization that is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the gift of sight for millions of people around the world – from the moment of birth through every phase of life. Their comprehensive portfolio of more than 400 products includes contact lenses, lens care products, eye care products, ophthalmic pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter products and ophthalmic surgical devices and instruments. Founded in 1853, we have a significant global research and development, manufacturing and commercial footprint with more than 12,000 employees and a presence in nearly 100 countries.

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